For some nostalgia sake, here is a classic launch commercial to bring you back to the fun times. The main thing I remember about the commercial is the Rolling Stones.
Then, there’s this awkward video of Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer dancing on stage. Enjoy. Do you remember when Windows 95 launched? Share some of your favorite (or not so favorite) stories in the comment section below. And for more nostalgia, check out our other articles on running Windows 95 in your browser and more:
Watch Windows 95 Running on an Xbox OneRelive Windows 95 Game Hover in Your BrowserWatch Teenagers React to Windows 95
In those days work was saved on a paper/plastic based floppy disk. And who can forget the screen savers – especially the dancing baby and the twirling pipes contorting merrily away on your desktop! Oh, how I yearn for yesteryear. Maybe not – I’ve become too entrenched in the modern era and all its seductive gadgetry. Comment Name * Email *
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