Some would argue that Windows 8 is nothing more than a service pack with a metro touch interface bolted on. So, is Windows 8 worth upgrading? I’ll let you be the judge. Here is a list of updates in the new version, some good, some bad, and some we aren’t sure about yet. Keep in mind this only covers the consumer preview. We still have many months before Microsoft releases a final version so there are plenty of more changes still coming. What do you think? Are there any we missed, or are there any that you don’t like?

Wow, I’m just recovering from all the bastardization of the English language in your EmailSpeak (looks like NewSpeak) and your personal attacks, but, honestly, thanks for setting me straight about the Metro UI being something that can be bypassed. Also, for letting me know that I can move up to Windows 7 and stick around there for awhile. I’m a big Linux fanboi, as well having just retired from 30 years in the IT industry working for one of the largest and most “tech savvy” universities in the country. I system-managed the school’s large number of public-face LAMP-based web servers. I’ve programmed by punching cards, using an ASCII-based terminal connected to a time-sharing system and experienced the entire arc of the personal computer to the present, including building my own 8-bit personal computer from a kit which I still have but don’t use of course. It’s waiting (and I suppose you might say I am too) for the museum. Stuck in 1995? I don’t think so. When it comes to aesthetics (Google this word if you have problems) I shoot from my own hip and it isn’t a prosthetic. Metro is hideous. We should agree to disagree. I’m not going to get into any pissing-match with you, but rest assured I’ve got the years right up to now and beyond to wield a “tech-savvy” light saber. Just remember, it was folks like me who built all of your techie toys for you to enjoy. Now get on with it and do something good for the world. Peace, Bob Best wishes from another old-timer who also finds Metro an abomination. Thanks for having my back in the Hipster Assault(tm)! Remember, we are not ‘old-timers’, we are the avatars this time around because the boomers who were interested in ITduring the 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s and beyond -created- the microprocessors that make all this madness, er, convenience possible. But also remember that Bill Gates is in his mid-fifties as I am in fact he is exactly my age (wish I could have made all the money he did, but at least I used his first 8-bit BASIC compiler on Intel 8080 and Z80 and at the time it rocked!) and Microsoft needs him back at least temporarily to fix the Metro (I know let’s make a non-touch interface have the same look and feel as a phone!) mess-up. We needed him during the Vista debacle but he and Melinda were out curing world disease. Darn his schedule! Cheers, Bob This just shows what has changed from WIndows 7 to Windows 8. I like it. It just helps prove that all Windows 8 is, is a Windows 7 clone with the above mentioned features added in. What do you hate most about it? The new UI or? Comment Name * Email *

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