If you take a look at the description of WWAHost.exe in Task Manager you’ll see it says “Microsoft WWA Host.” If you think that’s a bit vague, you’re right! Microsoft is saying that the WWAHost process is a WWA Host… OK… that explains it right! Sarcasm aside, here’s what it does. Windows 8 uses Javascript to execute some Metro apps, and WWAHost is the process that hosts this. Because any Metro apps are written in the same fashion as web apps, several of them need to run interchangeably within Internet Explorer. With that said, Microsoft explains WWAHost as “an Internet Explorer-based rendering platform.” A look at WWAHost on my Windows 8 test system using Process Explorer reveals that it is currently hosting the platform that the Bing Weather app is running on.


WWAHost.exe is a safe and essential process in Windows 8. It acts as a host for Metro app processes similar to how svchost.exe acts as a host for .dll files. This process is safe and is best left alone to continue normal function on a Windows 8 system. I also have my windows installed on a SSD and I’m also running skype as others have suggested here. This is really bugging me.. On Win 7 start screen those tile can be right clicked to turn them off live. Tiles for some apps are more less constantly in communication with network/system or whatever. == if you don’t turn them off. more tiles, more clutter in RAM. Doing this I kind of fixed the “WTF moments” when it shows user using 10% of CPu when total is running 35%CPu and your the only one on. Now something I got a problem with. How the heck do I disable OneDrive. That piece of crap is constantly running and I can’t find it in services. Java runs on virtual machine, the machine acts as a security layer and takes care of all memory problems thus it’s quite hard to write java to be a memory hog purposefully, viruses are pretty much non existent in the java world. That said, as Rob pointed out, it’s mostly javascript / flash etc. Killing this process is a quick handy way for getting rid of any Metro apps that have inadvertently been started or haven’t quit cleanly or won’t quit (2 so far). At the moment, it seems that hackers have started to use WinStoreApp.exe instead, because when I try to block the connections, I get messages that some of them are already blocked (when they were used by WWAHost.exe). The only thing that I’ve found is to terminate it temporarily, or uninstall Netflix. So, no solution yet I think. It’s NOT a virus, but there should be a way to not have it in memory. Comment Name * Email *

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What is WWAHost exe and Why is it Running  - 5What is WWAHost exe and Why is it Running  - 75What is WWAHost exe and Why is it Running  - 44What is WWAHost exe and Why is it Running  - 96What is WWAHost exe and Why is it Running  - 29