We’ll explain what TikTok is, the features it offers, how to use the basics, where you can use it, and how much it costs. For everything you need to get started on TikTok or just to answer questions about it, let’s get to it!

What is TikTok?

Owned by Chinese company ByteDance, TikTok is a social video-sharing application available on mobile devices as well as the web. In China, the almost identical app is known as Douyin which launched in 2016. TikTok launched internationally in 2017. With the mobile app, users can capture and share videos. This is the ideal use for the mobile app although you can also follow other users, check out your feed packed with videos, interact with likes and comments, and more. To date, TikTok has been downloaded over 130 million times in the United States alone. On the TikTok website, you can watch videos, find others to follow, and check our account stats like “likes” and comments for your videos. If you have a video saved to your computer, you can also upload it via the website. This is handy for videos you’ve saved previously or spent time editing on your computer. You’ll find everyone from teens to adults to celebrities on TikTok sharing videos. And those videos range from comedy and cooking to education and entertainment.

TikTok Features

TikTok offers a wide range of features. Most you’d expect to see in a video-sharing application, but we’ll list out a summary of the basics.

Record videos using the in-app camera or upload a video from your device. Videos can be 15 or 60 seconds long using the app’s recording feature. Uploaded videos can be longer than 60 seconds.Add music, sound, filters, and effects to your videos to make them stand out.Use in-app video editing tools to trim, cut, merge, or duplicate clips.Explore videos in your personalized feed and discover new hosts and videos in a variety of categories.Contribute gifts using in-app currency (coins) to others broadcasting live videos to support your favorite hosts.Adjust settings in the mobile app for push notifications, dark mode, content preferences, preferred language, privacy, two-step verification, and security alerts.

How to Use TikTok

Whether you’re ready to record a video, discover something new, or interact with likes or comments, here are those essentials to get you started on the TikTok mobile app. It all starts by creating an account.

Sign Up for TikTok

You have a few easy ways to sign up for TikTok in the mobile app or online. You can use any of the following.

Phone or emailFacebook accountApple accountGoogle accountTwitter account

After signing up, you can create a profile to include a photo, name, username, and bio. You can also add Instagram or YouTube to your profile if you like.

How to Record a Video on TikTok

Discover New Videos

You have a couple of handy spots for checking out the videos TikTok has to offer.

Home Tab

You’ll find your personalized feed on the Home tab. At the top, select either Following or For You. Swipe up to scroll to the next video. Tap to pause and tap again to continue playing any video.

Discover Tab

On the Discover tab, you’ll see Trends, Sounds, and a Search box at the top.

Trends show you popular videos by hashtag, effect, or sound. Swipe to the right to see more videos on the category and tap to watch one.Sounds give you popular sounds others have used in their videos. Select one and then tap a video to watch. If you like a particular sound, tap the bookmark icon to hold onto it.The Search box is a convenient way to find a particular user, sound, or hashtag.

Like, Comment, or Share a Video

You can interact with videos you find by liking, commenting, or sharing them. These options display on the right side as the video plays. Tap the heart to like it, the comment icon to view comments or add your own, or the arrow to share the video to other social media locations, save it, or add it to your favorites.

Availability and Cost

TikTok is available for free with no subscriptions but does offer in-app purchases for coins. Remember, the coins are an in-app currency that you can use to contribute gifts to those broadcasting live videos. You can use the app on iPhone, Android, and the TikTok website.

Will You Try TikTok?

There is a lot more to TikTok than what we’ve included here. But you should now know exactly what it is, what it offers, what you can do with it, and where you can use it. Be sure to check back with groovyPost for future articles about TikTok! In the meantime, have a look at other articles in our “What is” series like What is Pocket, What is Telegram, or What is SoundCloud. Need to update your account details? You can change your phone number on TikTok at any time. Comment Name * Email *

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