Requirements to Install MyVideoBuzz:

Deployment Wizard

Make sure you’ve updated Chrome or Firefox to the latest version on your computer (IE won’t work), fire up your Roku box, and launch the MyVideoBuzz Deployment Wizard.

The Wizard is straight-forward, agree to the EULA and type in the IP address of your Roku.

To find the IP, on your Roku go to Settings > About.

Enable Roku Developer Mode

Next you need to enable Developer Mode on your Roku. This requires you to use some remote control button trickery:

Home, Home, Home, Up, Up, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

It might take you a couple of tries to get it. I found that just pressing the buttons in order at a normal pace works best. Then you’ll see the Developer Mode screen, select Enable Installer.

Next agree to the Developer Agreement and then Enable Installer and Restart.

After your Roku restarts, go back to your computer and finish running the MyVideoBuzz deployment application.

It just takes a few seconds to run, and when it’s completed, MyVideoBuzz will open on your TV. Log in with your YouTube username via Settings to have all of your Playlist and Favorites to watch on your HDTV.

For this article I used the Roku 3, but you should have no problem deploying it on a Roku 2 and even the original Roku. Have fun! Just use Twonky like you told us to do ( a few weeks back. It is a very nice solution and you can have access to your YouTube channels/favs/etc. from there as well. I am able to delete any other apps on roku , but I not sure how to delete “myvideoBuzz” , whenever I try roku gets hangs. Comment Name * Email *

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