Tech site The Verge was able to obtain footage of his goodbye speech to company employees, which you can view below.

Steve Ballmer announced his retirement last month stating “There is never a perfect time for this type of transition, but now is the right time.”  in a statement issued in a press release. When it was announced that Microsoft purchased Nokia Devices and Services for 7.2 Billion a few weeks ago, several people in the industry speculated that Steven Elop was the heir apparent. But maybe not, even though Elop received a hefty bonus in the acquisition, things seem to be heading in a different direction. Perhaps, we’ll see someone from the outside of Microsoft come into the fold. In a recent story on All Things D, it was reported that Alan Mulally, current Ford CEO, is now in the lead. According to sources close to the situation, there has been a lot of “serious conversations” between the Microsoft board and Mulally. In the end, whoever ends up being the new Microsoft CEO will have a lot on to deal with. Still, it’s the end of the Steve Ballmer era, and watching Microsoft development over the next few years will be interesting. And then Mulally… wow, one of my favorite CEO’s. A genius. I would love to see what he would do with MSFT. I think it’s exactly what the software oops.. I mean device and services giant needs at this point. If he signed on at MSFT, the shakeup would be epic. Really hope he takes the job. O.K. – I’m a sinic (!) at heart, but he could have topped off his shirt with some color coordinated head feathers to make me even happier. Darn, I need to take something for my cynicism – it’s driving me quackers… But then again, I guess if you’re a billionaire you can pretty much dress and act how ya like cause…. WHO CARES! :) I think Steve (ballmer) is a nut job personally who wasn’t able to control his massive company in the end. he was no bill gates or steve job and only managed to keep things rolling because the planet was addicted to windows and office. microsoft will do with a new leader and new ideas to shake up the company and refocus on true innovation vs. spend the day chasing apple and google around the internet. Sad to see him go, one of the last of the original Titans of tech, even if he dropped the ball recently. Comment Name * Email *

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Watch Outgoing Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer s Goodbye - 82Watch Outgoing Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer s Goodbye - 53