See Passwords Behind Asterisk in Google Chrome

Open any website where you have your password saved, right-click on the password field and go to Inspect Element.

When the HTML Editor opens, look for input type = “password” field and change “password” to “text” and press Enter to save.

An easy way to find that line of code is to hit Ctrl + F  and type: password in the search field and arrow to it.

There you have it!

Show Passwords in Firefox

The process is virtually the same. Right-click the password field and click Inspect Element.

A gray bar will appear with the password field highlighted. Press Alt+M or click on the icon shown below to open the Markup Panel.

It will show you the code for the password field. Just look at the highlighted line and change type=”password” to “text.”

Remember to change the type back to password, especially if you have multiple users on your computer. Comment Name * Email *

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