Kindle eReaders That Need the Update

This update only applies to the older Kindle eReaders like the Touch, Paperwhite, and even as far back as the first generation (2007) Kindle. If you have a newer generation Kindle like the Paperwhite 6th generation or above, no update is needed. Also, this update doesn’t apply to the Kindle Fire tablets. Here’s a look at the models that require the update:

If your Kindle is connected to Wi-Fi, it will automatically update while in sleep mode. However, if you have it sitting in a drawer somewhere, and it’s not connected, you’ll want to get it squared away with the update. If you find out this news after Tuesday or forget to do it, all is not lost. You’ll have to update it manually by downloading the update file and transfer it to your Kindle via your computer and USB cable. Comment Name * Email *

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Update Your Old Kindle by Tuesday to Avoid it Being Disconnected from the Internet - 56Update Your Old Kindle by Tuesday to Avoid it Being Disconnected from the Internet - 31