Tucked away neatly.

Baby got back.

Slide out keyboard

Or a SWYPE if you prefer.

Though lovely, she is a handful.

Compared to the ole 3rd generation iPod Touch, it’s a little bigger.

And she didn’t shatter when I dropped her to the ground.

The story begins. At least, I hope so. There is a test rom available through some forums, but im not realy eager to try. You have to get through a lot of steps to get it to work with KIES. And im not a fan of KIES. So im just going to wait for the “over the air” update. Need a phone? Buy a phone. Need a computer, buy a computer. Done! Btw – love the blog, long time groovy reader! Just had to vent on the world as th ey have just gone gadget time wasted crazy!!! Read a book and spend time with your kids! For your consideration: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?device=iphone&storyId=129384107 I agree with both of you. If you want a phone, buy a phone. If you want a camera, buy a camera. I’m a bit of a minimalist myself as well. That being said, once I bought a smart phone (iPhone) there was no turning back. I check movie times, txt ppl, check my budget on mint.com, show friends and family photos of the kids, find something with google maps etc. Etc. Etc. For me, the job s always easier if you have the right tool. That is what separates us from animals on the planet. That being said, all good things in moderation. I hate it when ppl come to my house for dinner and spend all night txting and having private conversations on their phone right in front of me. Of surfing the net while eating or playing games. Very rude yes. So it’s all about balance and being polite. Done pretty much the same thing as Tim here. -$20 for my phone plan -$250 (one time) for my iPod Touch The thing has come in handy A LOT! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been lost or needed a computer but didn’t have my ginormous laptop with me. The iPod Touch saved the day plenty-o-times. The only problem is I had to somehow trackdown a starbucks or some kind of WiFi to use what I needed most – the internet. I recently upgraded to a smartphone with mobile internet. I have to agree with Tim, it is massively overpriced. The only thing I really wanted was a mobile data plan for my iPod Touch, but since there is no such thing I had got a phone and paid out the ass for it. But at least now I have my mobile internet and don’t have to war-drive around for WiFi anymore. Though something I’ve noticed that is somewhat of a bug… – If the phone is plugged into USB (connected to computer) and charging, the screen will sometimes become completely unresponsive to touch. Other times it will become glitchy. – As soon as I unplug the USB it returns to normal and functions perfectly. Anyone else have this issue? I’ve tested it with multiple user interfaces and And try if you can see what happens when you connect in any other way, like wifi or BT. And also try it if it happens without the external SD. Ive heard that the external SD can make the phone hickup when the phone is not connected right to the pc. It happens when just plugging it into the PC. It is rather sporatic though and doesn’t seem to happen every time, and sometimes instead of becoming unresponsive the touch screen will instead just scramble all touches to random places all over the screen. No idea what is causing it, but it seems to reset the unresponsiveness if I sleep the phone. Of course sometimes it is still buggy coming out of sleep and then I can’t even unlock it without re-sleeping it in a few attempts. Unplugging it always fixes the problem instantly no matter what I’m doing on the phone. Wonder if I should even bother talking to customer support of my carrier or bother calling up Samsung…? Comment Name * Email *

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