Being intimately familiar with Microsoft’s License team and contracts (yeah, I’ve negotiated a few EAs in my day <unfortunately,>) it’s not everyday Microsoft will give away software.  What I’ve noticed is they only do this in new areas where they are looking to pick up market share OR, in areas of fierce competition.  My guess Microsoft is trying to keep it’s Rivals (MediaWiki, etc.) out of the Corporate Collaboration space while at the same time deeply embedding it’s new Workflow technologies into the Corporate environment.  Hmm..?   Personally, I’m not going to talk about SharePoint Designer other than it’s now free being that “I” have only used it 2 or 3 times to customize a few Workflows at work (our MOSS Install.)   So which do you think?  Sharepoint?  MediaWiki?  Drupal?  What do you use/prefer/think? Comment Name * Email *

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Microsoft Gives Away Sharepoint Designer 2007 FREE - 15Microsoft Gives Away Sharepoint Designer 2007 FREE - 85