In Windows Phone 7 and 7.5 the ability to take screenshots easily was a glaring omission. You are able to do it with an unlocked phone and a homebrew tool — Screen Capturer from the XDA Developer Forums. All you have to do is to keep the power button pressed and then press the Windows symbol touch key on your phone.

Once that’s done, it’s easy to find the shots. Go to Photos in the menu.

Then go to Albums.

And Screenshots.

There they are!

I was checking out reviews for Windows Phone 8 but as you are using WP8, is it worth buying ? For an iPhone user, is it worth the shift? Comment Name * Email *

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How to Take Screenshots on Windows Phone 8 - 40How to Take Screenshots on Windows Phone 8 - 96How to Take Screenshots on Windows Phone 8 - 32How to Take Screenshots on Windows Phone 8 - 52How to Take Screenshots on Windows Phone 8 - 43How to Take Screenshots on Windows Phone 8 - 49